  Hello; it has been a while hope you have been well.   It’s the New Year and for the first time in a while, I didn’t see any new year new me statuses. Have people given up on changing their lives? Or are we overwhelmed by the state of the world which seems to not be changing?  In our capacity, we cannot change the world but what we can change is our look at life. We set targets for new year’s resolutions but we rarely ever get to attain a satisfactory result at the end of the year. The reason for this is we always procrastinate for example I have been thinking I need to lose some weight so I have been thinking of the diet when I asked when I plan to start it I said the 10th and knowing myself I will keep procrastinating. So because we do not start the year on the right footing we set ourselves up for failure. So in the same way, if we wish to succeed in any of our targets, plans let’s start on the right footing. Gregor Moniuszko wrote on Thrive Global that “By start...

You are worth it

  I feel like this blog has turned into a self-love blog because truthfully I struggle with loving myself so much. I think it's honestly the hardest thing I have ever had to do because it's always easy to see my faults. I don t know if it's just my mind, I feel society has conditioned us to see ourselves as imperfect more and more while telling us to love ourselves. It is two contrasting messages that you find in media if you have mastered self-love you are seen as a proud person if you don't love yourself well apparently there's something seriously wrong with you. SELF LOVE IS SOMEHOW CONDITIONAL TO THE FACT THAT NO ONE ELSE IS UNCOMFORTABLE WITH YOUR EXPRESSION OF IT.

So as I have previously said  I have been struggling with seeing my worth it honestly doesn't matter how many times I recite the statement I am worth it to myself in the mirror I still don't see it. My worth has to this point depended on other people and how they treat me. It has been defined by my accomplishments at school as well in any other ventures, pursued so at this moment I find myself continually nitpicking the faults I have. 

I also honestly don't know if there is a proven thing to ensure my self-esteem goes up. However, the conclusion I have come too is that from now on I want to do whatever makes me happy; I want to choose myself every day, every moment of the day. I will seek only my approval; no one else's because I realize life is too short for me to spend unhappy but pleasing everyone else. So remember YOLO (you only live once) so make every single moment worth it. As easy as these declarations are, I may struggle at first with this. But before I act, I will pause and ask myself if it makes me feel good. Hence I have been applying these mottos to my every day while trying to navigate self-love while making sure others are comfortable with my expressions. 

Today maybe let us help me out, how do we self-love in the 21st century when your very expression may make another uncomfortable?


  1. Self love is the best love even if you to get in a relationship the most loving person is the one who is swpf centered profound article cheers

  2. Self love is being true to myself and also acknowledging that I'm a human with flaws but still a damn prize.
    Self love is forgiving myself and encouraging myself to attain a higher level of self fulfillment. Its to be happy and content.
    Its to look in the mirror and just smile because despite all the negative, i deserve a chance.


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