  Hello; it has been a while hope you have been well.   It’s the New Year and for the first time in a while, I didn’t see any new year new me statuses. Have people given up on changing their lives? Or are we overwhelmed by the state of the world which seems to not be changing?  In our capacity, we cannot change the world but what we can change is our look at life. We set targets for new year’s resolutions but we rarely ever get to attain a satisfactory result at the end of the year. The reason for this is we always procrastinate for example I have been thinking I need to lose some weight so I have been thinking of the diet when I asked when I plan to start it I said the 10th and knowing myself I will keep procrastinating. So because we do not start the year on the right footing we set ourselves up for failure. So in the same way, if we wish to succeed in any of our targets, plans let’s start on the right footing. Gregor Moniuszko wrote on Thrive Global that “By start...



Crazy story! I almost got scammed on INSTAGRAM was one of those random spam messages you get in your DM's.  So I get one from an "online store" since I have heard stories I immediately looked for YOUTUBE reviews then a few minutes later I knew it was a scam. So this got me thinking about how it was that people saw it right to benefit from the downfall of others. How the scammers felt as they advertised and engaged people only to rob them. I asked myself whether it was a moral deprivation that had taken over the current generation.

So I thought I would do some oral research, I approached my mom the conversation began. I asked her first about the nature of people in the olden days she told me of her grandfather a man who would call out to the streets and invite anyone passing by to share in the food he had. She told me of how when people would travel close to the farmland; inhabitants would share the harvest regardless of whether or not the other person had a plot of their own. She spoke of a generosity that was like no other. It was ingrained into their sense of self so much so that even as children, they knew to offer guest meals or gifts, even as children they knew to carry gifts when going to visit others. No one was considered an outsider a human being was not to be feared; everyone was part and parcel of the community.  They lived by the quote made by the Dalai Lama XIV that said: "Generosity is the most natural outward expression of an inner attitude of compassion and loving-kindness."  


It caused me to ask her what went wrong. Why it was that people were now dabbling in such things as scamming wanting to hurt strangers who had done them no wrong. After much discussion, we concluded that somewhere along the way it ceased to be about the community at large, it began to be about individuals. So because of the need to succeed on our own, we are now a selfish lot very few of us can be compared to the good Samaritan and very few of us live by the commandment found in Luke 10:27 which says "Love your neighbor as yourself." So I want to stop and encourage you to be selfless to love your neighbor.


  1. Its very true and sad how we have moved from ubuntu to it being all about oneself

  2. True indeed thanks Siphiwe for such inspirational messages,surely we need such visionary young people in our society like you.

  3. This thing of people wanting to succeed individually has made a lot of people greedy and hurting those who had done them no wrong which is very very wrong.. Where is our Humanity as people??

  4. Very true indeed. People are now selfish n they do no longer think of someone else in life

  5. People have abandoned the old ways nowadays. It's all about me, myself and l. Everything else is inconsequential.


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