Minding your own business
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The art of minding one's own business is very challenging. I know I have been trying to do that lately. As humans, we always want to have an input in a decision someone makes worse with social media and with all these many movements going on: we find ourselves adding our two cents into peoples matters. I want to talk about the Khanyi Mbau Dubai story; here I go adding my two cents. That matter had nothing, I mean absolutely nothing to do with us but not only were we torn up trying to defend Khanyi Mbau's actions and some of us fighting for Kudzai Mushonga. One may have thought; that with the expert commentary provided people had surveillance footage or V11s of the situation. I admit I too had a theory of what happened, and when they reunited I felt offended but was it their problem or did I invest myself into their business.
I'm saying is, with every situation I meet on social media, I want to refrain from commenting before I have all the facts. If possible, let me not comment; I should keep it moving. On social media platforms, the comment section makes it feel as if my opinion is required everywhere. In all honesty, it's not: it's well and good for me to have nothing to say. It's very proper for me to skip without expressing my feelings about everything. Lately, on YouTube, I've seen some pretty controversial videos with the comment section turned off. I was astonished; because I wanted to share my two cents. Then I realised it's okay for me to be quiet 99, 9% the video is just reporting on facts I can listen to and like or dislike. End of the day, I still have to keep it moving; because no word of mine will change anything.
Before you start saying this and that: what I'm saying applies to matters that do not directly concern you, for instance, the Khanyi Mbau story. Let us learn to mind our business; practice tried and tested forms of attaining peace. “Keep your attention focused entirely on what is truly your own concern, and be clear that what belongs to others is their business and none of yours.”- Epictetus
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🔥Word.. this is true we keep forgetting to think abt others and get caught up in jokes and makig others laugh