  Hello; it has been a while hope you have been well.   It’s the New Year and for the first time in a while, I didn’t see any new year new me statuses. Have people given up on changing their lives? Or are we overwhelmed by the state of the world which seems to not be changing?  In our capacity, we cannot change the world but what we can change is our look at life. We set targets for new year’s resolutions but we rarely ever get to attain a satisfactory result at the end of the year. The reason for this is we always procrastinate for example I have been thinking I need to lose some weight so I have been thinking of the diet when I asked when I plan to start it I said the 10th and knowing myself I will keep procrastinating. So because we do not start the year on the right footing we set ourselves up for failure. So in the same way, if we wish to succeed in any of our targets, plans let’s start on the right footing. Gregor Moniuszko wrote on Thrive Global that “By start...

Adventure in an old setting

 I observed that lately, I have been responding to how I am, with the response I am bored honestly I have been bored. Someone commented on my response; hence I began racking my brains trying to come up with a way to alleviate the boredom, I can give a better answer next time.  Ideas came up with were, unfortunately, things I couldn't do seeing as I was in lockdown and then it hit me as I was staring at the mangoes tree. I noted that I have never climbed a tree before; that was something I could try doing. I looked around my surroundings and began forming ideas of possible tasks I could take on to alleviate my boredom.

This discovery brought me to a realization that although we are in lockdown; although things seem to be closed, although you may at the moment be unemployed.  If you look around the environment you are in; you will realize there is much you can do. In those spaces where you feel as if nothing is open, be willing to discover opportunities do not be afraid to explore. Opportunities for jobs, personal growth and even entertainment as I was looking for are endless if you are willing to explore the possibilities. Do not limit yourself based on the circumstances, take a chance and explore something that may even be out of your comfort zone. As Carol S. Dweck said, "The hallmark of successful people is that they are always stretching themselves to learn new things." So try something new.


  1. Thank you so much dear for posting this will definitely try out to do new activities because I'm also bored


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